Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WonKyu Facts ( Siwon - Kyuhyun )

Sekali lagi, mianhae soalnya Facts kali ini juga campuran bahasa.__.
Mian, yaa~~

*PS : Credit pic : google^^
So, eum...
Happy Reading^^

1. Siwon adalah orang yang akan dengan mudahnya di landa cemas saat mengetahui ada yang buruk tentang kyuhyun
2. Siwon sangat menyukai suara kyuhyun.
3. Mereka berdua sama-sama pengagum ayah mereka masing-masing.
4. Satu kata dari siwon untuk kyuhyun: gemas.Dan dari kyuhyun untuk siwon: sempurna.
5. Kyuhyun suka menirukan gerak tubuh siwon.
6. Kyuhyun yang sering di jadikan sasaran utama untuk di peluk oleh siwon
7. Siwon yang sering meminta kyuhyun untuk memeluk atau menciumnya.
8. Siwon sering mencium kening kyuhyun untuk menunjukkan rasa sayangnya.
9. Siwon dan kyuhyun sama-sama payah dalam urusan memasak.Mereka hanya bisa memasak untuk diri mereka sendiri.
10. Siwon pernah nembak Cho Ahra (Kakak Kyuhyun) tapi ditolak.
11. Kyuhyun menurutnya siwon itu tempat paling tepat untuk bercerita dan juga berkeluh kesah.Krena siwon selalu bisa di andalkannya.
12. Kyuhyun merasa sangat nyambung dan cocok jika berbicara dengan siwon.
13. Mereka berdua termasuk dalam jajaran pemilik tubuh tinggi di super junior.
14. Mereka punya karakter yang tak jauh beda.Sama-sama terlihat cool dan agak pendiam saat di hadapan publik.
15. Mereka juga terkadang memiliki sifat posesif
16. Kyuhyun sering menjahili Siwon.Tapi lebih sering dengan ucapan,tidak menggunakan perbuatan.
17. Siwon is a skinship addict!
18. As you know, Kyuhyun’s favourite game is Starcraft
19. Kyuhyun won a medal in math Olympiad when he was in senior high school
20. Kyuhyun said “Donghae dances like he wants to destroy the stage”. Because Donghae always dances with too much power.
21. Kyuhyun likes short-haired girl
22. Kyuhyun can’t cook well and added sesame oil instead of adding cooking oil when he tried to fry ham
23. Kyuhyun’s favourite foods are seafood and pork cheap
24. Kyuhyun is the only member who included in MNet top 20 lists of best male vocalists in Korea on 2008
25. Kyuhyun’s eyes are near-sighted and he likes to wear contact lenses or glasses
26. If Kyuhyun is interviewed, he always says that he usually spends his time by reading, then other members will disagree it
27. When Kyu was schooling, he told his friends that he hadn’t allowed to go outside, so he could play games at home
28. Kyu wanted a bigger Christmas present so he hung his pants in front of his bed instead of hanging his socks
29. Kyuhyun’s ideal type is someone who has long legs
30. Siwon’s ideal girl is a Christian girl
31. If Siwon was going to propose, he wants to do it like his dad. He wants to propose in the same church.
32. When Siwon was 16, he was scouted by a talent agent and was recommended to audition for the Starlight Casting System to be an entertainer.
33. Another ability:playing drum, piano, Taekwondo (Siwon is youngest in Korea holding fourth rank in the black belt), Mandarin Chinese language
34. Siwon’s Voice Type is Baritone
35. Siwon began taking private singing, dancing, and acting lessons a few months after the SM audition
36. Siwon continued his education after his debut with Super Junior in 2005
37. Siwon graduated from Hyun Dae High School in February 2006 and later went on to attend Inha University
38. Siwon always read newspapers in the morning. the newspapers are in english.
39. Siwon once said 12 years of age gap in relationship doesn’t matter as long as they love each other.
40. When Siwon starts a new thing he always started it with a prayer
Cre : @SUPERJUNlOR , @SJ_WonKyu

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